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Welcome to
Dr. Winterholer!

Your private practice for
Plastic and aesthetic surgery

Aesthetic surgery is an important segment of plastic surgery. Various procedures and surgical techniques to improve the appearance and quality of life of patients are available to me here. A high degree of precision, a trained eye and years of experience make the “subtle” difference in achieving a natural result.

It is important to me to understand the individual needs and wishes of my patients and to realistically point out possibilities for change.

I will be happy to provide you with information on my homepage and advise you during my consultation hours.

Innovative methods such as breast augmentation with autologous fat and correction of gynecomastia and breast malformations.

Experience the freedom of feeling good in your own skin – with our gentle support for natural body shaping.

Your natural beauty, precisely shaped.

Genital beauty and intactness as well as gender identity are increasingly in focus.

Natural radiance and self-confidence with Botox and filler.

Dr. med.
Dorrit Winterholer

Specialist in plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive facial and breast surgery.

Dorfplatz 1, 6330 Cham

Interested in further information? Then please do not hesitate to contact us. By e-mail or telephone and let us find out together how we can help you.

Reviews from our customers

Katia Baggenstos
Katia Baggenstos
Vor über zehn Jahren hat Dr. Winterholer meine Bauchdecke sehr schön operiert. Seither bin ich Patientin bei ihr. Dr. Winterholer ist eine sehr einfühlsame, geduldige und intelligente Frau, bei welcher man sich als Patientin bestens aufgehoben fühlt. Vor sieben Monaten hat sie zudem eine Brustverkleinerung durchgeführt, welche mir nicht nur gesundheitlich geholfen hat, sondern mir auch einen grossen Wunsch damit erfüllt hat, den ich schon lange hatte. Ich bin sehr glücklich! Ich empfehle Dr. Winterholer als Ärztin, aber auch als Menschen, denn sie ist sehr liebevoll und fürsorglich mit ihren Patientinnen. Danke, Dr. Winterholer!
Helen Curran
Helen Curran
Amazing results, would highly recommend! The surgical results have been transformational and the level of care and professionalism, nothing short of exceptional.
Maha Daoudi
Maha Daoudi
I am a patient of Dr Winterholer for 3 years now and I feel blessed to be in her good hands. My health situation was very challenging and, beyond her expertise and outstanding medical technical acumen, Dr Winterholer has the amazing human touch and the art to make you achieve incredible results. She has been key to my recovery process and remains crucial to my effort to age gracefully!
Regina Karpf
Regina Karpf
Frau Winterholer hat sich für die Beratung sehr viel Zeit genommen und mich gründlich und gut beraten! H .S