
When implants in the breast cause pain

Capsular fibrosis has become rare nowadays. If modern implants and techniques are used, capsular contracture only occurs in 2-3 percent of patients. However, it is still the most common reason for a repeat operation after breast augmentation.

Capsular fibrosis due Weiter “When implants in the breast cause pain”


Even more natural breasts with Joy implants.

1. what are “Joy” implants and how do they differ from conventional implants?

“Joy” implants:

Joy implants are a new type of breast implant designed to give a more natural look and feel. They are filled with a cohesive silicone … Weiter “Even more natural breasts with Joy implants.”


What are angled arms?

What are angle arms anyway? Angular arms are located on the lower side of the upper arm. We usually talk about love handles when someone has flabby upper arms. You heard that right, as well as the stomach, legs, breasts … Weiter “What are angled arms?”


Breast implant removal, what then?

Some women who have undergone breast augmentation eventually decide to have their breast implants removed. This process, known as explantation, can raise many questions and concerns. In this article, we address some of the most frequently asked questions about breast … Weiter “Breast implant removal, what then?”


Humanitärer Einsatz Uganda

Bei der Interplast Uganda Mission konnten wir mit einem in kurzer Zeit eingespielten Team vielen großen und kleinen Patienten mit einem weiten Spektrum an plastisch rekonstruktiv chirurgischen Eingriffen helfen. Unter anderem haben wir das erste Lipofilling bei Verbrennungen und Perforatorflaps … Weiter “Humanitärer Einsatz Uganda”

Blog Press

Are we beautiful enough?

Report Meeting April 17: Are we beautiful (enough)? With the surgeon Dr. Dorrit Winterholer.

“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful … ?”

Wrong, we didn’t enter a beauty contest, but rather, as befits an Inner Wheel … Weiter “Are we beautiful enough?”