When implants in the breast cause pain
Capsular fibrosis has become rare nowadays. If modern implants and techniques are used, capsular contracture only occurs in 2-3 percent of patients. However, it is still the most common reason for a repeat operation after breast augmentation.
Capsular fibrosis due to breast implants: The most important facts in brief
- Capsular contracture causes the tissue around the implants to harden.
- It is not usually dangerous, but can lead to pain and unsightly changes in the shape of the breast. At an advanced stage, the implant and capsule must be removed.
- As a rule, it is a self-pay procedure. In severe cases, a request can be made to the health insurance company for implant removal.
Capsular fibrosis: recognizing symptoms and feeling changes in the breast
After breast augmentation, the body ensures that the implant is encased in a thin layer of connective tissue. This phenomenon is normal and cannot be felt or felt. In some cases, however, a thicker and firmer layer of tissue forms, which presses on the implants.
How does capsular fibrosis begin?
Immediately after the operation, it is quite normal for the breast to feel tight or slightly sore. If the symptoms persist for longer than three months, you should have an examination. In the early stages of capsular fibrosis, the first minor changes can be seen in terms of hardening, tension and sensitivity to touch.
Symptoms of capsular fibrosis: recognizing changes in the breast
- Slight hardening can be felt in one or both breasts. The breast as a whole becomes harder, which can be accompanied by feelings of tightness.
- This causes pain in the chest, which feels like a sore muscle that occurs with certain movements.
- The breast is more sensitive to touch than usual or as sensitive as just before your period.
- The tissue capsule compresses the implant so much that it warps. Both slight and pronounced deformation are possible. The capsule becomes harder, tighter and rounder.
If you notice any of these signs, talk to us. We clarify whether it is actually capsular fibrosis.
In general, an annual check-up is advisable in order to detect changes in the breast at an early stage.
Can capsular fibrosis still occur after 10 years?
Most capsular fibrosis occurs in the first year after breast augmentation. But they can also develop later. The probability of capsular contracture is higher if breast reconstruction has taken place after breast cancer and radiotherapy.
Is capsular fibrosis visible on ultrasound?
A breast ultrasound can help with the diagnosis, as it can provide further indications of a capsular contracture in addition to palpable hardening.
Is capsular fibrosis dangerous?
If the capsular fibrosis is only slightly pronounced, such as a slight hardening without severe pain, the change in the breast can often be classified as harmless. In this case, treatment is not absolutely necessary.
However, more severe symptoms and deformities may require surgery to improve the quality of life of those affected. Severe deformation can lead to permanent pain and increase the risk of the breast implants being damaged by the high pressure. In this case, surgery is often necessary.
How can capsular fibrosis in the breast be treated?
In the case of slight deformations, it may be sufficient to partially remove the capsule. Minimally invasive incisions in the capsule ensure that the implant can expand again. In more severe forms, removal of the capsule together with the implant is necessary. A new implant can be inserted during the same operation. If you do not want a new implant, a breast lift is also an option to remove the stretched tissue and give the breast a beautiful shape. In some cases, breast augmentation with autologous fat is also an option.
I would be happy to advise you in detail in our practice in Cham about which treatment could be the right one for your case. At the end of the day, it’s all about feeling good in your body.
Dr. med. Dorrit Winterholer
Specialist in plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive facial and breast surgery.
- Over 20 years of experience as a surgeon.
- Over 12 years of experience as a specialist in plastic and aesthetic medicine.
- Head of Plastic Surgery Lucerne since 2021.
![Dr. med. Dorrit Winterholer. Breast augmentation with autologous fat.](https://winterholer.ch/wp-content/uploads/dr-dorrit-winterholer.webp)
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